Four years, 11 published issues, more than 20 engaged freelancers and over 50 feature stories.
The progresif quarterly magazine has been a periodic source of engaging content for almost as long as the brand has been in existence, and there is an incredible amount of conceptualising, creativity and crafting that goes into bringing the 72 pages to life.
Leafing through these pages, each issue can be broken down into recurring segments: think piece styled journalism features, recaps of the company’s considerable array of csr engagements, and exposè about progresif heroes - individuals pioneering new ways to teach, work, create, think and live in brunei. The magazine also functions as a mobile billboard for progresif events taking place around the sultanate, a platform for local artists to showcase their tremendous talents, and an opportunity to introduce enterprising new products and services to the public. Because it offers so much variety, the magazine takes on different meanings to different readers. But from the perspective of those who work on it, the progresif magazine is very much a labour of love, an opportunity to inform and delight.
Given that the feature stories in this issue reflect new ways to learn, think, work and live in the era of the fourth industrial revolution, and that one story is specifically about the opportunities available to youth in the form of freelance work, we decided to open our doors to budding freelance creatives and creators to participate in the creation of this issue.

With the help of creativeeconomyweek - we put together a design sprint and workshop. Lead by our in-house creative director, we pulled back the curtain on what goes into making a publication for over 20 young graphic designers, who got to try their hand at designing the spreads. By using the different elements of design to manipulate the anatomy of a magazine layout (headline, leads, art, graphics, subheadings, quotes, body copy), they were employed to bring the words of the articles to life on the page. Once all the designs were completed, an overall winner was awarded a three-month freelancers contract to work with Progresif. Click here to read about Ira Ali's experience at winning our Design Sprint".
Magazine design sprint contributers
- Alvin yong chie yew | @alvin.takesphoto
- Farhan nuradly bin abd karim | @farragraphics
- Ira ali | @iraalicreatives
- Liyana joe | @pixeeliys
- Mas amalina haji mumin | @emmmemmm
- Ozier hani | @ahani
- Thaqifah abdullah | @qiffy.a
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